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Society Information


Our History 

The Society was formed in 1933 and, for many years, was the main garden club on Sydney’s North Shore with membership peaking at 536 in 1959. The society’s aim was to bring together people living in the area who have a love of gardening and horticulture. Since inception, it has fulfilled this aim, meeting as it does on a monthly basis. It has provided not only information and knowledge of gardening but has also provided friendship based on a mutual interest and love of plants. A reading of the History of the Society shows how these aims have been achieved down through the years.  



Constitution of the Ku-ring-gai Horticultural Society.


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the Ku-ring-gai Horticultural Society.


The Garden Clubs of Australia Inc.

The Society is affiliated with The Garden Clubs of Australia Inc. which has a membership of over 700 affiliated clubs. They provide a range of services to affiliated members including insurance, publishing a quarterly magazine and assisting with the exchange of information among clubs through zone meetings.


Photos from our 85th Anniversary

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